
in spanish: empoderar | 1. tr. Make a disadvantaged individual or social group powerful or strong. 2. tr. Give someone authority, influence, or knowledge to do something. (in Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, 2022).

in english: empower | 1. (formal) give someone the power or authority to do something. 2. to empower someone (to do something) to give them more control over their own life or the situation they are in (in Oxford Learners Dictionaries, 2023).

in german: bemächtigengive someone a special right, authority for something. (in Duden, 2024).

in french: autonomiserstrengthen the capacity for decision and action - the fact of achieving autonomy (in Grand Dictionnaire terminologique - Québec, 2019; Ministère de la Culture, Francia, 2020. https://bit.ly/3xcdjah).